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Jun 9, 2020

In today’s episode of “I’m a Millionaire. So Now What?” the focus is on self-care.


Last year, the BDC did a study on entrepreneurs and mental health.


Here’s what they found:


✅ Two thirds of us feel depressed at least once a week

✅ Female entrepreneurs whose enterprises are in the growth or early stages are more likely to report mental health issues.

✅ Nearly half say that mental health issues interfere with their ability to work


This was last year. Add the economic uncertainty of Covid-19 into the mix, plus global societal unrest - I imagine those numbers are much higher.


That’s why self-care is so important. I run to de-stress.


What do you do? 


I took a break this week from regular scheduled programming. I wanted, instead, to just spend some time being thankful. For each and every member of the Self-Made Nation. For the fact that I’m blessed with the ability to run, to get outside in the fresh air and sunshine, and to feel safe doing so.


Because at the end of the day, we're all human beings. We're human beings before we are a CEO. We're human beings before we are a founder. We are human beings before we're a business owner.


I hope you find some peace listening to my story.