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Mar 30, 2021

On this episode of “I’m a Millionaire! So Now What?” I recall a message from Cameron Herold (aka the “CEO Whisperer) that really resonated on the Double to Sell 💰💰 workshop. 


It’s all about asking the right questions ❓❓❓


When the sh!t goes down – instead of looking for someone to blame – a leader needs to find out what systems are missing that allowed that problem to happen.


It’s based on Michael Gerber’s idea that people don’t fail. Systems fail.


In this short and punchy episode, you’ll learn to ask the right questions. The hard questions sometimes. And how a missing letter B in a Star ucks sign led to better leadership.


Have a listen. I guarantee you’ll learn something 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️.