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Jul 18, 2023

"I'm a millionaire. So, now what?" - the go-to podcast for entrepreneurs planning a cash-rich exit - is back! In this episode, I had an insightful chat with Janine Rogan. Janine is a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA), a seasoned TEDx speaker, and a renowned author. Her groundbreaking book, "Pink Tax," is a crucial exploration of the economic inequalities women face, and it is her research and insights from this book that we'll be delving into today. 


Beyond these roles, Janine is also the founder and CEO of the Wealth Building Academy Inc., an organization that's dedicated to building financial literacy and wealth. Join me as we unpack Janine's research, her book, and her perspectives on empowering women in finance.


We cover:


💡📚 The importance of the right mentors and the inspiration behind Janine's book, 'The Pink Tax.' 


🔄 Reframing the narrative around budgeting for women and the need to see it as a spending plan rather than a budget. 


💼 How women can turn their approach towards debt from seeing it as a liability to viewing it as leverage. 


🔝 The importance of confidence, and advocating for ourselves as women in the fact of societal and systemic gender stereotypes. 


👩‍💼 The importance of self-care and self-reliance in closing the wealth gap for women. 


Have a listen! 🎧


And stay tuned for more episodes full of advice for the Self-Made Nation! Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review! 👍🎧 


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I’m a Millionaire! So now what? is brought to you by O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management at RBC Dominion Securities.


All opinions expressed by the host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of RBC Dominion Securities.


This podcast is for informational purposes only before taking any action based on information in this podcast you should consult with a qualified professional.


Colleen O’Connell-Campbell is a Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.