Jan 12, 2021
On this week’s episode of 🎙💫“I’m a Millionaire! So Now What?” 💫🎙you’ll get to know real estate investor (and admitted spreadsheet lover!), Nick Legault.
An engineer by trade, his shift to real estate began in 2008, when he bought and rented a small condo.
He did double duty for years, working full-time as an engineer and growing his company, Building Investments. 😬💪😬
And grow it did, 17-fold in just a few short years! 🔥🔥🔥
Nick and I talk zones of genius, team building, and the importance of accepting that, no, actually, you CAN’T do it all. 🛑
Coincidentally, that’s also the subject of my next Elevated Conversations event, Feb. 8! 🎊
DM me for deets and watch this space for more info.
Most successful entrepreneurs have a finely curated and complimentary team of people behind them. These businesspeople have realized that in order to make money – you have to spend money. You already know what your zone of genius is – and isn’t. Fill those genius gaps with the right people and let them get to work building your empire. That’s what Nick Legault did. It was a few years before he “quit the day job” to focus full time on Building Investments, his real estate investment company. And as soon as he could, he made a point to hire people who could fill in his own gaps – allowing him to focus on what he does best: acquisition. He has since grown his real estate business 17-fold in just a few short years and is expected to double in size every two years or so. Drafting the right people works – it sounds so simple, so “Well, d’uh!” but so many organizations continue to fail at it. Running a business is the most intense self-development program you’ll ever take. Because without the right team in place, you’ll quickly discover just how many things you’re…not so great at! LOL But that’s OK. I can’t do everything. And neither can you.