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Dec 31, 2019



The end of every year is a great time to reflect on our current achievements both personally and professionally. As we enter not just a new calendar year, but also a brand new decade, 2020 is a particularly significant marker.

Looking toward the future, we all envision our business goals and aspirations for the next ten years differently, but what’s the best way to approach them?

Today I share insight and practical strategies for reaching your goals in 2020. I explore how implementing reverse engineering techniques can help you to grow your business. I discuss how taking a break, slowing down, and reflecting on your successes and failures can help you realign yourself and your business with your overall vision. I also discuss the importance of considering your integrity, self-reliance, and the impact you want to achieve when setting your goals for the new year.



“Begin with the end in mind.” - Colleen O’Connell-Campbell


Today on I’m A Millionaire...So, Now What?:

  • How to reverse engineer your business to achieve success in 2020
  • How slowing down can be a great opportunity to reflect and realign yourself with your vision
  • The importance of impact, integrity, and self-reliance when setting and achieving your goals



Resources mentioned:




You’re Invited: Double to Sell Workshop


Are you ready to build your multi-million-dollar exit strategy? Ready to sell your high-profit organization, move forward with your life, and explore new ventures? Learn the strategies you need to 100x the sale of your organization and create the wealth that will allow you to continue living financially free while exploring new opportunities.


Join us on May 26, 2020 for the premier, invitation-only Double to Sell Workshop! Learn the secret to maximizing your exit strategy and sell your business successfully.


For more information and to qualify for the super early-bird discount, email Colleen at



Book Your Prosperity Discovery Session Today!


Are you ready to double your net worth? Ready to create your roadmap to riches or get your financial life back on track? Join me for a Prosperity Discovery Session today! Let’s unlock your roadmap to riches so you can begin to live your life to the fullest. To book your Prosperity Discovery Session, email me at to request a free questionnaire and let’s begin your roadmap to riches now!


Spots are limited, so book your Prosperity Discovery Session today!



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